Help keep your family safer online

Family Link provides tools that respect families’ individual choices with technology, helping them create healthy, positive digital habits. With easy‑to‑use tools, you can understand how your child is spending time on their device, share location, manage privacy settings, and find the right balance for your family.*

Sign in
A father and son watch a video on a phone together.
A young girl looks inquisitively into her phone with a group of friends.

Establish digital ground rules

Set screen time limits

Find the screen time that works best for your child. Family Link lets you set daily time limits, with School Time and Downtime schedules for their devices, so you can help your child find a healthy balance.

Manage your child’s apps

Give your child the flexibility they need when it comes to app usage. Set individual app time limits, and unlimited time for educational or regularly used apps. You can block apps, too.

Establish digital ground rules

Set screen time limits

Find the screen time that works best for your child. Family Link lets you set daily time limits, with School Time and Downtime schedules for their devices, so you can help your child find a healthy balance.

Family Link UI highlights time spent by app.
Time limits
2 hr limit • App limits set
Downtime & school time off

Manage your child’s apps

Give your child the flexibility they need when it comes to app usage. Set individual app time limits, and unlimited time for educational or regularly used apps. You can block apps, too.

Family Link UI shows Google Play Books as a recently installed app.
1 hr limit
Unlimited time
4 hr limit
A smiling woman and curious, young girl look at a tablet screen together.

Manage content filters, security and privacy

Manage what they see online

Set up parental controls on Google services like Chrome, Play, YouTube, and Search. Family Link allows you to block inappropriate sites, require approval for new apps, and manage permissions.

Secure their account

Family Link gives you access to manage your child's account and data settings. As a parent, you can help change or reset your child’s password if they forget it, edit their personal information or even delete their account if you feel necessary.

Disclaimer: *Children over the applicable age applicable age can manage their own account.

Manage content filters, security and privacy

Manage what they see online

Set up parental controls on Google services like Chrome, Play, YouTube, and Search. Family Link allows you to block inappropriate sites, require approval for new apps, and manage permissions.

Family Link UI shows app permissions with the ability to toggle settings on and off.
Google Play
App approvals & restrictions
Tools for parents, kids & teens
Google Chrome and Web
Website & browser restrictions
Contacts, calls & text
Manage communication settings

Secure their account

Family Link gives you access to manage your child's account and data settings. As a parent, you can help change or reset your child’s password if they forget it, edit their personal information or even delete their account if you feel necessary.

A teenage boy laughs among friends while sitting in a movie theater.

Stay connected on the go

See where they are

It’s helpful to be able to find your family when they’re on the go. With Family Link, you can locate your children on one map, as long as they’re carrying their device.**

Get notifications and alerts

Family Link delivers critical notifications including when your child arrives or leaves a certain location. You can also ring devices and view the device’s remaining battery life.

Stay connected on the go

See where they are

It’s helpful to be able to find your family when they’re on the go. With Family Link, you can locate your children on one map, as long as they’re carrying their device.**

Family Link UI highlights location pins of family members on Google Maps.
Family places
Elementary School
1 min ago
1 min ago

Get notifications and alerts

Family Link delivers critical notifications including when your child arrives or leaves a certain location. You can also ring devices and view the device’s remaining battery life.

Family Link UI shows notification alert settings being toggled for when a family member arrives or leaves a location.
Get notified when: