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Google Arts & Culture

Find fun facts, activities and stories

Get artistic

Explore famous museums and art-related activities all from the comfort of your home.

young boy looking at art

Google Arts & Culture

I spy with my little eye…

Can you spot the hidden details in some of the world’s most famous artworks?

Explore the world

Tour some of the world’s most historical cities, locations, buildings, natural history museums and more… all online!

Google Arts & Culture

Making natural history

Learn about the origins of our solar system, Earth and natural life through discoveries made from the museum’s collection of artifacts.

Let's play

Play games, find quality children's apps and find playlists made just for children.

Boy with headphones on smiling at tablet


Try Chrome Music Lab

Make learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments.

Learn to code

From first timer to budding programmer, introduce your children to the world of computer science.

CS First

Learn to code free of charge with CS First

A free of charge coding curriculum for students using Google at school.

Explore STEM

Guide your children to engaging STEM activities.

a photo of galaxy swirl

Google Arts & Culture

Explore science and space with Google

From the inventor of the toilet to what's inside of a black hole, explore science and space with Google Arts & Culture.